the perople of the artic lived in blank during the winter while subarctic peoples blank

3 answers

The people of the Arctic lived in permanent winter shelters, such as igloos or semi-subterranean homes, during the winter, while subarctic peoples often built temporary shelters from available materials like wood or bark and adapted their lifestyles to follow seasonal resources. This allowed subarctic groups to migrate and take advantage of different food sources throughout the year.

they dug holes?

Yes, that's correct! Many subarctic peoples dug holes to create shelters, especially in the winter. These temporary structures, often referred to as pit houses, were dug into the ground to provide insulation from the cold. The holes would be covered with materials such as wood or animal hides to help retain heat. This method took advantage of the earth's natural insulation and allowed for a more stable living space during harsh winter conditions.

In the Arctic, while some used igloos made from snow blocks, others dug into the ground for warmth and protection as well. The techniques varied depending on the specific environment and available materials.