"The peculiar characteristic of modern loneliness is that we can be in crowds and yet not be part of them. There is no loneliness like the loneliness of a big city." Archbishop Fulton Sheen

For certain, the peculiar characteristic of modern loneliness is that we can be in crowds and yet not be part of them. There is no loneliness like the loneliness of a big city.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen wrote about a strange aspect of loneliness in today's world where one can feel quite alone even in the midst of a crowd of people.

The unusual feature of contemporary loneliness is that we can be in crowds and yet not be part of them. There is no lonesomeness like the lonesomeness of a big city.

Archbishop Sheen believed the funny characteristic of loneliness today is that people can be in crowds and yet not be a part of them. There is no loneliness like the loneliness of a large metropolis.

1 answer

In a big city, one can be surrounded by people at all times, yet still feel isolated and disconnected. The hustle and bustle of city life can create a sense of anonymity and alienation, leading to a unique form of loneliness that is hard to escape.

The constant activity and fast pace of city living can make it difficult to truly connect with others on a deep level. People may interact briefly with strangers in passing, but forming genuine relationships and meaningful connections can often feel elusive.

In a big city, it is easy to get lost in the crowd and feel like just another face in the sea of humanity. This sense of anonymity can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and make it challenging to find a sense of belonging and community.

Archbishop Sheen's words remind us that true connections and relationships are essential for combating loneliness, even in the midst of a bustling city. It is important to seek out opportunities for genuine connection and to cultivate meaningful relationships in order to combat the unique loneliness that can be found in a big city.