The Papua New Guinea Youth Policy 2007 – 2017, defines the youth age as being the ages from 12 to

25 years. Youth represents approximately 20 per cent of the popula on.
Young people face many challenges which can lead to vulnerability. Young people can experience
lack of opportunity to access a wide range of services to support their development, including health
care, educa on, and employment.
Youth unemployment and underemployment has been one of the major policy challenges. There is
a major need to create employment opportuni es to produc ely engage youth. The ILO report
“Inclusive Growth for Youth,” indicates PNG’s youth employment rate was 4%. The2010 Na onal
Census indicates youth labor force par cipa on is 57.6%.
The key Youth policy interven on is to resource and implement the nine strategic policy goals that
are captured in the Na onal Youth Policy. These are:
• Improving the quality of youths’ lives
• Accessing integrated educa on
• Nurturing sustainable livelihoods
• Promo ng healthy lifestyles

Strengthening Ins tu onal Capacity
• Youth and Iden es
• Research Informa on and Data Collec on on Youth; and
• Law, Order and Jus ce.
Based on the above National Policy on Social Protection 2015-2030 will seek to support: Summarize it to single paragraph

1 answer

The Papua New Guinea Youth Policy 2007-2017 defines youth as individuals aged 12 to 25, constituting about 20% of the population. Young people face significant challenges, including limited access to essential services such as healthcare, education, and employment, contributing to high youth unemployment and underemployment, with only a 4% youth employment rate reported by the ILO. The 2010 National Census indicates a youth labor force participation rate of 57.6%. The key interventions of the National Youth Policy focus on improving youth quality of life, ensuring access to integrated education, nurturing sustainable livelihoods, promoting healthy lifestyles, strengthening institutional capacity, addressing youth identities, collecting research and data on youth, and improving law, order, and justice, with the National Policy on Social Protection 2015-2030 aiming to further support these objectives.