1. The opening scene in the movie shows Ponyboy typing the novel, which is not in the book.
2. In the novel, a blue Mustang is used by the Socs to attack the greasers, while in the movie, it is a red Corvette.
3. The movie includes a scene where the greasers and Socs have a rumble at the park, but this is not in the book.
4. Some characters, such as Ponyboy's English teacher, are left out of the movie.
5. The movie adds a scene where Johnny and Ponyboy watch the sunrise together before Johnny dies.
6. In the movie, the famous "Stay gold" quote is said by Johnny instead of Ponyboy.
7. The movie has a different ending than the book, with Ponyboy waking up in the hospital instead of narrating the final scene.
8. The movie includes a scene where Dally robs a convenience store, which is not in the book.
9. In the book, Cherry Valance gives the greasers information about the Socs, but in the movie, it is Randy who tells Ponyboy about the upcoming rumble.
10. The movie portrays Dally as a more sympathetic character, while the book depicts him as more violent and reckless.
The Outsiders Movie Novel Comparison Write down 10 differences that you notice between the novel and the movie.
3 answers
The Outsiders Movie Novel Comparison Write down 7 differences that you notice between the novel and the movie.
1. In the movie, the character of David is seen, but he is not present in the novel.
2. The beginning of the movie shows Ponyboy writing the novel as a school assignment, while the book does not begin this way.
3. The ending of the movie has Ponyboy waking up in a hospital, while the book ends with him narrating the final scene.
4. In the movie, the scene with Soda and Sandy discussing her pregnancy is cut out.
5. The movie introduces the characters of Randy and Bob earlier on, while they are not seen until later in the book.
6. Some of the dialogue is changed in the movie from the book, such as the famous "Stay gold" quote being said by Johnny instead of Ponyboy.
7. The movie shows more violence and fighting between the gangs than the book does.
2. The beginning of the movie shows Ponyboy writing the novel as a school assignment, while the book does not begin this way.
3. The ending of the movie has Ponyboy waking up in a hospital, while the book ends with him narrating the final scene.
4. In the movie, the scene with Soda and Sandy discussing her pregnancy is cut out.
5. The movie introduces the characters of Randy and Bob earlier on, while they are not seen until later in the book.
6. Some of the dialogue is changed in the movie from the book, such as the famous "Stay gold" quote being said by Johnny instead of Ponyboy.
7. The movie shows more violence and fighting between the gangs than the book does.