The organic compound di-n-butyl phthalate, C16H22O4(l), is sometimes used as a low-density (1.046 g·mL–1) manometer fluid. Compute the pressure (in torr) of a gas that supports a 555-mm column of di-n-butyl phthalate. The density of mercury is 13.53 g·mL–1.

Note: For a mercury manometer, the height in millimeters (mmHg) is equal to the pressure in torr. Since the liquid is not mercury, we must use the density ratio to determine what the height would be if it were mercury. The height ratio is the inverse of the density ratio.

3 answers

I can repeat the hint. The height ratio is the inverse of the density ratio.
What's the density ratio? That will be
(d of 1/d of Hg) = (height Hg/height 1)
(1.046/13.53) = (height Hg/555)
(1.046/13.53) x 555 mm = ?mm.
Thanks. :)