The old mountains had none of the glitz and glam boasted of by the towering Rockies out west, but these rugged hills had a worn, ancient secrecy about them.

What effect does the language have on the historic setting?

1 answer

The language used in the passage evokes a sense of depth and timelessness associated with the old mountains. Phrases like "worn, ancient secrecy" suggest a history that is rich and perhaps enigmatic, elevating the setting from mere physical geography to a character in its own right. The contrast between "glitz and glam" and "rugged hills" highlights the authenticity and rawness of these mountains, implying that their beauty lies in their simplicity and age rather than in modern, superficial glamour. This choice of words creates an atmosphere of mystery and reverence, inviting readers to consider the stories and experiences embedded in the landscape. Overall, the language deepens the sense of place, suggesting that these mountains hold secrets of the past that are waiting to be uncovered.