The Odyssey by Homer My friends advise me, and to quit the shore. Their wholesome counsel rashly I declined, Curious to view the man of monstrous kind, And try what social rites a savage lends: Dire rites, alas! and fatal to my friends." "The Odyssey" by Homer Question Use the passage to answer the question. One theme suggested by this passage is that people expect to be greeted with hospitality. Which other universal theme does this passage suggest? (1 point) Responses the need to take care when choosing one’s friends the need to take care when choosing one’s friends the danger of being rude to strangers the danger of being rude to strangers the need to keep going when you feel like quitting the need to keep going when you feel like quitting the danger of acting on your curiosity

1 answer

The passage suggests the universal theme of "the danger of acting on your curiosity." The speaker's decision to ignore their friends' advice and seek out the "man of monstrous kind" highlights the risks associated with curiosity, especially when it leads to dangerous or harmful situations.