The Odyssey by Homer First I release myself, my fellows last: Fat sheep and goats in throngs we drive before, And reach our vessel on the winding shore. With joy the sailors view their friends return’d, And hail us living whom as dead they mourn’d Big tears of transport stand in every eye: I check their fondness, and command to fly. "The Odyssey" by Homer Question Use the passage to answer the question. Which structural element of epic poetry does this passage reflect? (1 point) Responses climax climax parallel structure parallel structure falling action falling action rising action rising action

1 answer

The passage reflects the falling action of epic poetry. In this section, Odysseus and his crew have returned safely to their ship after a period of struggle, and there is a sense of resolution as they reunite and the focus shifts toward their departure. This follows the climax of their adventures and signifies the events leading toward the conclusion of the narrative.