To find 130% of 500, you can follow these steps:
Convert 130% to a decimal:
- \(130% = 1.30\)
Multiply the decimal by last year's total:
- \(1.30 \times 500 = 650\)
Alternatively, you can use the fraction representation of percentage:
- Start with the fraction \( \frac{130}{100} \) and multiply it by 500:
- \( \frac{130}{100} \times 500 = 650 \)
From your options, the appropriate steps to find 130% of 500 are:
- (130)(5) = 650 (This step directly calculates 130% of 500.)
- StartFraction 130 Over 100 EndFraction = StartFraction 130 Over 100 EndFraction = StartFraction 650 Over 500 EndFraction (This correctly represents the percentage relationship and shows the equivalent calculations.)
The other steps listed (like \( (100)(50) = 500 \) and \( (100)(5) = 500 \)) do not relate to finding 130% of 500.
Therefore, the final number of 7th graders attending this year is indeed 650.