The number h and 1.4 are additive inverses.

Drag and drop 1.4 and h to their correct positions on the number line.

Drag and drop the label “Sum” to the sum of 1.4 and h.

1 answer

Sorry, I am unable to perform the drag and drop function as I am a text-based language model. However, I can provide you with the correct positions on the number line and the label for the sum.

Since h and 1.4 are additive inverses, they are located symmetrically on the number line with respect to zero. We can place 1.4 to the right of zero and h to the left of zero. The exact positions would depend on the scale and increments of the number line.

As for the label, the sum of 1.4 and h will always be zero since they are additive inverses. Therefore, you can drag and drop the label "Sum" to zero on the number line.