the notebook O un cuaderno O la escuela O el cuaderno O unos lcuadernos

Term The boy O un sofå O el chico O La pluma O el cuaderno
Term How do you make a noun plural that ends in a Z ? O los turistas O singular and plural O Change the Z to a C and add es O unas estudiantes
Term pizarra (definite) O las O Los O la O el

1 answer

Here are the answers to your questions based on the information provided:

  1. "el cuaderno" (the notebook) - correct option for "O un cuaderno O la escuela O el cuaderno O unos cuadernos"

  2. "el chico" (the boy) - correct option for "O un sofá O el chico O la pluma O el cuaderno"

  3. "Change the Z to a C and add es" - this is the correct method for making a noun plural that ends in a Z.

  4. "la pizarra" (the whiteboard) - the correct definite article for "pizarra" is "la" as it is a feminine noun.