The Neolithic Revolution saw the domestication of animals, the cultivation of crops, food surplus, and trade between civilizations.
The Neolithic revolution saw the ________ of animals, _______________ of crops, food _______, and ________ between civilizations? Short answer
9 answers
The shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agriculture led to the development of cities, governments, and trade.
The Neolithic Revolution led to the development of settled communities, which in turn fostered organized religion and the worship of agricultural deities, as people began to associate their livelihoods with fertility, harvests, and the cycles of nature.
A variety of occupations developed during the Neolithic Revolution due to the establishment of agricultural surplus, which allowed some individuals to specialize in trades and crafts beyond farming.
Ancient Egypt was a theocracy because the rulers, known as pharaohs, were considered divine or semi-divine figures with both political and religious authority, leading to a unification of governance and spirituality in society.