Symbols for the narrator's family as the "have nots":
1. Worn-out or patched clothing: The narrator's family may be depicted wearing old, ragged or patched clothing, symbolizing their lack of resources and an inability to afford new clothes.
2. Empty or sparse pantry: The narrator's family's pantry or kitchen could have empty shelves, limited food items, or commonly consumed items in smaller quantities, symbolizing their struggle to provide for basic needs.
3. Broken or inadequate household items: Objects such as broken furniture, old appliances, or worn-out tools can symbolize the narrator's family's lack of resources to repair or replace needed household items.
Symbols for the Hallman family as the "haves":
1. Expensive clothing or accessories: The Hallman family members might be depicted wearing designer clothes, expensive jewelry, or stylish accessories, symbolizing their access to wealth and luxury.
2. Lavish home or estate: The Hallmans could reside in a grand mansion, a luxurious estate, or a high-end neighborhood, symbolizing their wealth and social status.
3. High-end vehicles: The Hallman family could be associated with luxury cars, symbolizing their ability to afford expensive means of transportation.
4. Extravagant parties or social events: The narrator may describe the Hallmans hosting elaborate parties or attending exclusive social events, symbolizing their connections and capacity for indulgence.
5. Fine dining or gourmet food items: The Hallman family might be portrayed consuming gourmet cuisine or dining in fancy restaurants, symbolizing their ability to afford high-quality, expensive meals.
the narrator sees her family as the have nots and the hallmans as the haves list the symbols that represent these two expessions
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