The myth pandora's box then answer the questions below prompt using specific examples from the story as support. response is two paragraphs, include a TAG to introduce the response, and uses the TEA method (topic, evidence, analysis) to organize you writing.

1. In Greek mythology, the gods often display character traits that are very human. choose one of the main male characters from the story (Zeus, Epimetheus, or Prometheus) and describe how this character's trains are similar to those of humans.

2. in the story, what is pandora's defining character trait? how is this important to the development of the story?

3. what is it important that the last thing pandora let out of the box was hope? what does this say about the future of humankind?

1 answer

TAG: In the myth of Pandora's Box, the character Prometheus displays traits that are very human.

Topic: Prometheus' traits similar to humans
Evidence: Prometheus exhibits traits like compassion, intelligence, and foresight throughout the story. When he sees humans suffering, he decides to steal fire from the gods and give it to them, bringing light and warmth into their lives. This act shows his compassion for humans and his willingness to take risks to improve their conditions. Furthermore, Prometheus possesses intelligence as he outsmarts Zeus by hiding the fire in a fennel stalk and deceives him with the fat and bones of an ox. This cunning behavior showcases his intelligence, a characteristic often found in humans. Lastly, Prometheus displays foresight when he warns Epimetheus about accepting any gifts from the gods. He tells Epimetheus to be cautious and avoid bringing any harm upon himself or the humans. This foresighted advice demonstrates Prometheus' understanding of the consequences of his actions.

Analysis: Prometheus' compassion, intelligence, and foresight are strikingly human traits. His actions of stealing fire and warning Epimetheus not to accept gifts highlight his empathy towards humans, willingness to take risks, and critical thinking abilities. This shows that even though Prometheus is a god, he possesses qualities that resonate with human nature. This emphasis on human-like characteristics in gods can be seen as a way for the Greeks to explain the presence of these qualities within themselves.

TAG: Pandora's defining character trait is curiosity and how it impacts the story.

Topic: Pandora's curiosity
Evidence: Pandora's curiosity is explicitly mentioned in the myth. She is given a box by the gods but is strictly instructed not to open it. However, her curiosity gets the better of her, and she eventually succumbs to temptation, opening the box. Her inability to resist her curiosity is evident when she lets out all the evils into the world, causing suffering and pain to humanity.

Analysis: Pandora's curiosity is pivotal to the development of the story as it leads to the release of all the evils in the world. Her inability to control her curiosity highlights the human struggle with temptation and the consequences that can arise from yielding to it. Thus, it serves as a cautionary tale emphasizing the importance of self-control and disobedience to the gods' commands. Pandora's curious nature, when coupled with the gods' creation of evil, showcases the overarching theme that humans possess flaws and failings, which are both a result and a curse of their existence.

TAG: The significance of hope being the last thing Pandora let out of the box and its implications for the future of humankind.

Topic: The importance of hope being the last released
Evidence: After releasing all the evils, Pandora hesitates before opening the box again, this time releasing hope into the world. Hope is portrayed as a positive force that counters the negative impact of the released evils. It provides humans with a glimmer of optimism and the belief that there is potential for improvement and redemption.

Analysis: The fact that hope is the last thing released from Pandora's box reflects the Greeks' belief that despite the suffering and evil present in the world, hope is a fundamental and essential element for humanity's survival. It implies that hope is a driving force that enables humans to endure hardships, seek solutions, and move forward. The myth suggests that the future of humankind is tied to hope, indicating that, despite the presence of evil, humanity can overcome and strive for a better tomorrow. The inclusion of hope in the story reinforces the idea that resilience and positive outlooks are crucial for human progress and achievement.