The my plate plan recommends having more protein than vegetables for each meal

1 answer

The MyPlate plan, developed by the USDA, encourages a balanced approach to nutrition, emphasizing the importance of including a variety of food groups in appropriate portions. While it does recommend protein as an important component of meals, it doesn't specifically state that there should be "more protein than vegetables." Instead, the MyPlate model generally suggests that:

  • Vegetables should make up about half of your plate.
  • Fruits should also have a significant presence, making up another part of the plate.
  • Grains (preferably whole grains) should occupy about a quarter of the plate.
  • Protein foods should make up the remaining quarter.

This means that vegetables and fruits together should take up a larger portion of the plate compared to protein. The idea is to promote a diet rich in fruits and vegetables while still including adequate protein, healthy fats, and whole grains for overall health.

It's important to tailor your plate to your individual dietary needs, preferences, and health goals, but the overarching goal of MyPlate is to create a balanced diet.