The MOST LIKELY reason the builders installed the world’s fastest elevators in Taipei 101 was because they

A needed a way to reach the basement level of the building.needed a way to reach the basement level of the building.
B hoped to give the building more authentic Chinese elements.hoped to give the building more authentic Chinese elements.
C wanted to shorten the length of trips among the many floors.wanted to shorten the length of trips among the many floors.
D believed the building would always be the tallest in the world.believed the building would always be the tallest in the world.
E wanted to have another tourist attraction to offer.wanted to have another tourist attraction to offer.

1 answer

The MOST LIKELY reason the builders installed the world’s fastest elevators in Taipei 101 was because they C wanted to shorten the length of trips among the many floors.

This aligns with the practical intention of elevators in skyscrapers to efficiently transport people to their desired floors, especially in a building as tall as Taipei 101.