According to the Resource Booklet titled Youth/Graduate Unemployment in Papua New Guinea (2024), "the most basic human needs can only be satisfied through money which can be attained through employment" (p. 7).
The most basic human needs can only be satisfied through money which can be attained through employment.
This was taken from the Resoure Booklet titled Youth/Graduate Unemployment in Papua New Guinea, page 7. This Booklet is for this year 2024.
With the given information above, cite this for me in a complete sentence.
5 answers
In MLA format, you could cite the information as follows in your text:
According to the Resource Booklet: Youth/Graduate Unemployment in Papua New Guinea, "the most basic human needs can only be satisfied through money which can be attained through employment" (7).
In the works cited section, the entry would look like this:
Resource Booklet: Youth/Graduate Unemployment in Papua New Guinea. 2024.
Page number: 7
Published year: 2024
Now do a proper citation in a full sentence.
According to the Youth/Graduate Unemployment in Papua New Guinea (2024), "the most basic human needs can only be satisfied through money which can be attained through employment" (7).