The molar mass of glucose is 180.16g/mol

A. How much glucose is needed to make 500 ml of a .44M (.44mol/1L) solution?
B What volume of the .44M solution is needed to prepare 1L of a 5% glucose solution? Don't know where to start with this one..

1 answer

molarity=mass/molmass * 1/volumeinliters

= .44*180*.5 grams you do it

b. 5 precent by mass is what molarity?
one liter of 5 percent is /1000g ignoring that the dilute solution is slightly greater than 1000g per liter.
massin5 percent=50 grams.
molarity of that then= 50/180*1/1 = .28M

so you want to dilute it .44/.28 times?

which means one part original solution, .57 psrts water added.
What is one part? 1L/1.57 = 636ml of the stock solution

check my math.