The Metamorphoses

by Ovid

And that her [Medea’s] arts may not cease, the Phasian feigns a counterfeit quarrel with her husband, and flies as a suppliant to the threshold of Pelias and (as he himself is oppressed with old age) his daughters receive her; whom, after a short time, the crafty Colchian [Medea] engages to herself by the appearance of a pretended friendship. And while among the greatest of her merits, she relates that the infirmities of Æson have been removed, and is dwelling upon that part of the story, a hope is suggested to the damsels, the daughters of Pelias, that by the like art their parent may become young again; and this they request of her, and repeatedly entreat her to name her own price. For a short time she is silent, and appears to be hesitating, and keeps their mind in suspense, as they ask, with an affected gravity. . . .

The daughters of the king, as ordered, had entered the threshold, together with the Colchian, and had surrounded the bed; “Why do you hesitate now, in your indolence? Unsheathe your swords,” says she, “and exhaust the ancient gore, that I may replenish his empty veins with youthful blood. The life and the age of your father is now in your power. If you have any affection and cherish not vain hopes, perform your duty to your father, and drive away old age with your weapons, and, thrusting in the steel, let out his corrupted blood.”

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The Tempest
by William Shakespeare


A solemn air, and the best comforter

To an unsettled fancy, cure thy brains,

Now useless, boil’d within thy skull! There stand,

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Use the excerpts from Metamorphoses by Ovid and The Tempest by William Shakespeare to answer the question.

Based on these passages, how does Prospero differ from Medea?

(1 point)

Prospero pretends to befriend Alonso, whereas Medea is genuine in her friendship.
Prospero pretends to befriend Alonso, whereas Medea is genuine in her friendship.

Prospero’s magic becomes stronger, whereas Medea loses her magic.
Prospero’s magic becomes stronger, whereas Medea loses her magic.

Prospero’s magic is successful, whereas Medea fails to help Æson.
Prospero’s magic is successful, whereas Medea fails to help Æson.

Prospero forgives those who have wronged him, whereas Medea uses her magic for murder.

1 answer

Prospero forgives those who have wronged him, whereas Medea uses her magic for murder.