You cant just average the velocities.
Let d be the distance one way
but time is time going + time coming back
time going=d/40 and time coming back=d/60
avgspeed=2d/(d/40 + d/60)
multipy the right side by 2400/2400
that ought to give it directly.
The math team in addville travled to subtractville for a math compertition. The bus averaged 40 mph from addville to subtractville but adveraged 60 mph during the return trip.
What was the adverage speed of the bus for the entire trip?
Thats the story problem i have to solve. At first i got 50 but then my teacher said it wasn't that and that the answer was harder to find. I think it has something to do with since the mph there and the mph back are adveraged u can't find the total adverage of two adverages(well you can but not in this problem) that somehow you have to find the starting mph that you would adverage.
I need help!
1 answer