The materials list for your simulation The written procedure of the simulation Your data table Your bar or line graph Your analysis of the results

1 answer

Materials list:
- Computer or device to access simulation program
- Internet connection

Written procedure of the simulation:
1. Access the simulation program on your computer or device.
2. Follow the instructions provided to set up the simulation parameters.
3. Run the simulation to collect data on outcomes.
4. Repeat the simulation multiple times to gather sufficient data for analysis.

Data table:
| Trial | Outcome 1 | Outcome 2 | Outcome 3 | Average |
| 1 | | | | |
| 2 | | | | |
| 3 | | | | |

Bar or line graph:
- Create a bar or line graph to visually represent the data collected from the simulation trials.

Analysis of the results:
- Analyze the data collected from the simulation trials to draw conclusions about the outcomes.
- Identify any trends or patterns in the data.
- Discuss any unexpected results and potential reasons for them.
- Draw conclusions about the overall effectiveness or accuracy of the simulation in replicating real-world scenarios.