The mass of each of the two blocks is 1.50 kg, and the insulated tank is filled with 220 g of water. What is the increase in the temperature of the water after the blocks fall through a distance of 2.50 m?

I am trying to use the eq Q=MCTriangleT
however i do not know where to put what variables i even tried doing change in T=gy/c and got .006 however this was the wrong temp. HELP PLEASE

1 answer

Energy Q equal to M g delta H = 73.5 J = 17.6 Calories is added to the water (and the blocks) due to the decreasing potential energy as they fall.

They probably want you to assume all of that heat energy ends up in the water, although that is not necessarily true, especially when there is much a much larger mass of blocks than of water.

In have no idea what your delta T = gy/c means