The description you've provided seems to suggest the sign for "HOW MUCH?" in American Sign Language (ASL). The movement and positioning of the hand, along with the furrowed brow, are common indicators of this sign, which is typically used in the context of inquiring about the price of an item. The upward movement of the hand and the change in handshape mimic the unfolding of something, possibly representing the concept of revealing a price. The furrowed brow and slightly backward tilt of the head signal that a question is being asked.
So, based on the description:
The sign shown is "HOW MUCH?"
The man’s brow is furrowed to indicate that a question is being asked. His hand is several inches from his body, aligned with his lower ribs. The palm is oriented upward, parallel with the ceiling. The pinky, ring, middle, and index fingers are bent inward close to the palm. The thumb also bends inward, holding these fingers closed. The right hand moves upward and its handshape changes at the same time. For the final handshape the palm remains oriented upward, parallel to the ceiling. The pinky finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger, and thumb all open with fingertips facing upward. The sign unfolds, and the head tips slightly backwards simultaneously to indicate a question. Question What sign is shown? (1 point) Responses FOR SALE FOR SALE HOW MUCH? HOW MUCH? SOLD
3 answers
The man’s palm is oriented towards the body, making the sign for number one
The description you provided indicates that the man is making the sign for the number one in American Sign Language (ASL). To sign the number one in ASL, you indeed extend the index finger and have your palm facing towards yourself, with the rest of the fingers (pinky, ring, and middle) folded down and the thumb resting alongside or across the palm.
Keep in mind that in different contexts, the orientation of the hand and the position of the index finger may convey different meanings, but for the purpose of indicating the number one, your description fits appropriately.
Keep in mind that in different contexts, the orientation of the hand and the position of the index finger may convey different meanings, but for the purpose of indicating the number one, your description fits appropriately.