The main soil, forming processes are humification, leaching,podzolisation,laterisation,salination and gleyin.

Explain leaching and laterisation

1 answer

Leaching is a process in which water moves through the soil and carries away nutrients and minerals. This process occurs when water percolates through the soil, dissolving soluble nutrients and minerals, and carrying them deeper into the soil profile or into groundwater. Leaching can result in the depletion of important nutrients from the topsoil, making it less fertile and productive for plant growth.

Laterisation is a weathering process that occurs in tropical and subtropical regions, characterized by high temperatures and heavy rainfall. This process results in the formation of laterite soils, which are highly weathered and rich in iron and aluminum oxides. Laterisation occurs when minerals such as feldspar and mica in the soil are broken down and transformed into clay minerals, which are then leached from the soil profile. This leaching and weathering process leaves behind a layer of iron and aluminum-rich material known as laterite. Laterite soils are typically highly acidic, low in fertility, and have a reddish-brown color due to the presence of iron oxides.