The magnetic vector of a plane electromagnetic wave is described as follows:

B⃗ =Bmxˆsin[13 rad/m z− 3.90e9 rad/sec t] where Bm>0. This represents the full magnetic field, so that By=Bz=0.
(a) What is the wavelength λ of the wave, in meters?

(b) What is the frequency f of the wave, in cycles per second?

(c) In which direction does this wave propagate?

(d) The associated electric field E⃗ (x⃗ ,t) can be written as

E⃗ =A0sin(kxx+kyy+kzz−ωt)mˆ
Where kx,ky,kz and ω are all positive.


A0 in V/m, assuming Bm=9.43e-7 T. Note that A0 could be positive or negative.

kx in rad/m

ky in rad/m

kz in rad/m

ω in rad/s

(e) What is the time-averaged Poynting flux associated with this wave, assuming Bm=9.43e-7 T?

magnitude in W/m2:

1 answer
