The luminosity of the Sun is 4*10^33 erg/s, and its radius is 7*10^10 cm.

What is the Sun's effective temperature? Please enter your answer in units of Kelvin.

What is the Sun's effective temperature? Please enter your answer in units of Kelvin. - unanswered

What is the flux of sunlight on the Earth?

- unanswered

You are tasked with building a solar power plant in the Arizona desert, using solar panels with 10% efficiency. How large an area (km^2) must your solar panels cover to match the power output of a large nuclear powerplant (about a GigaWatt)? Please enter your answer in units of km^2

You are tasked with building a solar power plant in the Arizona desert, using solar panels with 10% efficiency. How large an area (km^2) must your solar panels cover to match the power output of a large nuclear powerplant (about a GigaWatt)? Please enter your answer in units of km^2 - unanswered

The Keck telescope on Mauna Kea has an angular resolution on Earth of half an arcsecond.

>>How far away (in meters) could you read ("resolve the letters of") a book with 3 mm square type, using the Keck telescope on Earth?

- unanswered

In space, the angular resolution of the Keck telescope is govererned by the diffraction limit.

How far away could you read the same book, using the Keck telescope in space? Please express your answers in units of meters.