You didn't type in the initial rate of decay but I THINK it is 15 dps. Check that out and use the correct value. Also you didn't include the half life but I think that is 5730 years. Again, check that out and use the correct value.
First, determine k.
k = 0.693/t1/2 and solve for k. Then substitute k into the below equation.
ln(No/N) = kt
No is 15 or whatever number you find.
N = 0.03
k is from above.
Solve for t in years if you used 1/2 life in years.
The lowest level of 14C activity that seems possible for experimental detection is 0.03 dis min−1 g−1
What is the maximum age of an object that can be determined by the carbon-14 method? The initial rate of decay is about dis min−1 g−1.
I have no idea what to do at all. Thank you for any help
2 answers
They didn't provide an intial nor did they provide the half life so I was confused because of that and thought another method was to be used. Thank you for your help DrBob222