Here are the answers to your questions about "The Locket" by Kate Chopin:
Who is the author of "The Locket"?
Kate Chopin -
What is the main setting of "The Locket"?
A quiet village -
What object is central to the story's plot?
A locket -
Who is the protagonist in "The Locket"?
Octavie -
What does the locket symbolize in the story?
Love and remembrance -
How does Octavie feel when she believes Edmond is dead?
Devastated -
What event leads Octavie to believe that Edmond has died?
She sees his name on a casualty list -
How does the story resolve the misunderstanding about Edmond's fate?
Edmond returns home safely -
What theme is most prominent in "The Locket"?
The power of love and hope -
How does Kate Chopin use irony in "The Locket"?
By showing that the locket, meant to protect, causes distress
These answers should align with your understanding of the text. If you have any further questions or need additional context, feel free to ask!