Conferences: Chances to hear speakers, attend workshops, and make friends with others in the field
Competitions: Chances for individuals or teams to win technical challenges
Projects: Opportunities to put classroom skills to practical use
Services: Fundraising to help support a local charity
Scholarships: Opportunities to get funding for college
Internships: Hands-on training in a real workplace
The list on the left contains the name of popular CTSO activities. Drag each description from the right underneath the matching activity on the left.
Fill in the missing pieces:
Choose from the following choices:
Opportunities to put classroom skills to practical use
Fundraising to help support a local charity
Opportunities to get funding for college
Hands-on training in a real workplace
Chances to hear speakers, attend workshops, and make friends with others in the field
Chances for individuals or teams to win technical challenges
1 answer