The Latin term "in meadias res" means in the middle of things, and describes a story that starts with the action already in motion. How does the story Antojos demonstrate this term and give specific examples

1 answer

"Antojos" is a short story by Julia Alvarez that exemplifies the concept of "in medias res." The story begins with the protagonist, Yolanda, already in the midst of a conflict with her mother over her desire to become a writer. The reader is immediately thrust into the action of the story without any background information, creating a sense of immediacy and tension.

One specific example of the "in medias res" approach in "Antojos" is the opening scene where Yolanda recalls an argument with her mother about her writing aspirations. The text starts with Yolanda attempting to explain to her mother that she wants to be a writer, but her mother dismisses her dreams and insists that she should focus on more practical pursuits. This conflict sets the tone for the rest of the story and immediately draws the reader into the protagonist's struggle.

Throughout the story, Alvarez uses flashbacks and memories to provide context and fill in the gaps of Yolanda's background, but the narrative always returns to the present moment. By beginning the story in the middle of the action, Alvarez creates a sense of urgency and immediacy that propels the reader forward, eager to uncover the resolution of the conflict between Yolanda and her mother.

Overall, "Antojos" effectively demonstrates the concept of "in medias res" by immersing the reader in the protagonist's conflict from the very beginning, setting the stage for a compelling and engaging narrative.