The Junior Red Cross is a volunteer youth organization focused on promoting health and serving those who are sick and suffering. It started during World War I to provide relief to soldiers and their families.

Research four other volunteer organizations and create a chart explaining their missions and how the organizations began.

1 answer

| Organization Name | Mission | How the Organization Began |
| Habitat for Humanity| Fight poverty by providing decent housing | Founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller to |
| | and promoting affordable homeownership. | address the need for affordable housing. |
| Big Brothers Big | Provide mentoring to children and youth | Founded in 1904 by Ernest Coulter to match |
| Sisters | | orphaned boys with adult male mentors. |
| United Way | Improve lives by mobilizing the caring | Founded in 1887 by a group of Denver |
| | power of communities around the world. | religious leaders to coordinate fundraising |
| | | efforts for various local charities. |
| Doctors Without | Provide medical aid to those affected by | Founded in 1971 by a group of French doctors |
| Borders | natural disasters, war, and epidemics. | and journalists to provide medical assistance |
| | | in Biafra (now Nigeria) during conflict. |