A. his colorful feathers
The Jungle of Justice
SETTING: A dense forest during spring. Peacock is dancing about. Crow slowly descends from the sky to the ground.
CROW: (as loud as he can) How did you get to be so colorful?
PEACOCK: (first, looks around and then sees the crow at his feet) Are you asking me?
CROW: Why, of course. Who else is so bright around here?
PEACOCK: Why do you want to know?
CROW: I am tired of having just one color all over me.
PEACOCK: I used to be like that a long time ago.
CROW: What happened then?
PEACOCK: (admires his feathers, as he talks) I was resting on top of a green hill. I saw an arch fall from the sky. It started dropping colors.
CROW: So, you drank it?
PEACOCK: No, I stopped the color from bleeding from the arch. It was the rainbow. She blessed me with colors for saving her life.
What does the peacock have that the crow wants?
his colorful feathers
his story of the rainbow
his dancing skills
his strong beak
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