The issue of Australia’s current approach to addressing the global refugee crisis is marked by the unprecedented conformity of populations crossing international borders worldwide, forced to flee conflicts guided by international human rights principles outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Presently, legislation under the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) governs Australia's approach to refugees and asylum seekers, under scrutiny for its alignment with key international obligations from the 1951 Refugee Convention, which contain principles of non-refoulement, visa provision, and dentention centre legal use in specific circumstances. The real-life case study for the argumentative essay was analysed and evaluated, with a recommendation formulated to allow global refugee crises to fulfil their international obligations under key human rights treaties and conventions.
is this all corect and sutiable for introduction
1 answer
Yes, the introduction provided is thorough and sets the stage for a discussion on Australia's current approach to addressing the global refugee crisis. It outlines the key international obligations and legal framework governing the treatment of refugees and asylum seekers, and offers a clear direction for the argumentative essay. It effectively introduces the topic and provides a foundation for analyzing and evaluating the case study.