The issue copyright infringement is a violation of intellectual property rights, which typically safeguard individuals from unauthorised use of their copyrighted materials in tangible form without the owner’s consent (Australian Government, 2022). Presently, legislation under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) makes copyright infringement illegal except in specific cases of fair dealing, allowing legal use in specific circumstances. The purpose of this inquiry report is to examine the legal concepts of exclusive rights, analyse the nature and scope of copyright infringement, and examine opposing viewpoints. Two alternatives to the current copyright framework in Australia that could be implemented in the future will be suggested, with a recommendation formulated based on the criteria of equity and justice.

The issue of copyright infringement is a violation of intellectual property rights, which typically safeguard individuals from unauthorised use of their copyrighted materials in tangible form without the owner’s consent (Australian Government, 2022). Presently, legislation under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) makes copyright infringement illegal except in specific cases of fair dealing, allowing legal use in specific circumstances. The purpose of this inquiry report is to examine the legal concepts of exclusive rights, analyse the nature and scope of copyright infringement, and examine opposing viewpoints. Two alternatives to the current copyright framework in Australia that could be implemented in the future will be suggested, with a recommendation formulated based on the criteria of equity and justice.
fid difference between these two paragprah s

1 answer

The first paragraph introduces the issue of copyright infringement, defines it as a violation of intellectual property rights, and outlines the current legal framework under the Copyright Act 1968. The purpose of the inquiry report is also stated, which is to examine exclusive rights, analyse infringement, and consider alternative solutions.

The second paragraph restates the issue of copyright infringement and the legal framework in place, but also includes a mention of fair dealing provisions. It also introduces the purpose of the inquiry report, which is to examine opposing viewpoints and propose potential alternatives to the current copyright framework. The overall structure and content of the two paragraphs are quite similar, with the second paragraph providing additional detail on fair dealing and alternative solutions.