The Industrial Revolution also resulted in the exploitation and domination of indigenous peoples by colonizing powers. Native cultures were often forcibly suppressed or destroyed, and traditional ways of life were disrupted. European powers imposed their own systems of government, education, and religion on colonized regions, leading to a loss of autonomy and self-determination for indigenous populations.
Economically, colonized territories were often subject to harsh labor practices and extractive industries that benefited colonial powers at the expense of local populations. The emphasis on cash crops meant that many colonies became dependent on monocultures, which left them vulnerable to economic shocks and environmental degradation.
Overall, the cultural and economic impacts of imperialism during the Industrial Revolution were profound and enduring, shaping the modern world in significant ways.
The Industrial Revolution led to the new imperialism and as Response areanations industrialized, they needed to acquire sources of Response areamaterials and new Response areafor their products. The Response area provided these materials as well as customers. The cultural Response area of colonized peoples was changed reflecting Response area ideas of Response area, and their economies focused on Response area crops.
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