The first two "sentences" are actually sentence fragments. You need to revise these and make them one smooth sentence.
The third "sentence" is really a run-on -- revise and make it into two complete sentences.
Are you sure you should be using the word "you" in your write-up. Generally, use of the second person is not done in formal writing. How else could you rephrase that last sentence?
Only oral and physical communication? What about written communication?
Please repost when you've made revisions.
The importance of communication in the field of criminal justice. Benefits of using a particular communication styles. And the importance of the communication process in law enforcement.
could you critique this for me.
The importance of communication in the field of criminal justice. Is that in this profession communication must be fluent, clear, and enriched with meaningful information.The benefits of using a particular style is that people havedifferent personalities what works for one person may not work for another. In the criminal justice field you must be good at both oral and physical communication.
6 answers
I'm still 200 words short of what I need. Can you please help.
Assignment: Communication Styles
• Resource: Ch. 1 in Effective Communication for Criminal Justice Professionals
• Due Date: Day 7 [post to the Individual forum]
• Recognize the importance of communication in the field of criminal justice. Write a 350-
to 700-word paper describing the following:
ï The communication process model
ï Differences between the four major communication styles
ï Benefits of using particular communication styles
ï The importance of the communication process in law enforcement
The importance of communication in the field of criminal justice involves understanding the dynamics of sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages. The communication process model shows the most important components of communication on how it’s send and received. The differences between the four communication styles are that no one single style will always be the right approach in any case. Law enforcement must have the ability to understand what is right and what is wrong. The benefits of using a particular communication style are that people have different personalities. What works for one person may not work for another. In the criminal justice field law enforcement must understand both oral and physical communication. The importance of the communication process in law enforcement is understanding any situation that may arise.
Assignment: Communication Styles
• Resource: Ch. 1 in Effective Communication for Criminal Justice Professionals
• Due Date: Day 7 [post to the Individual forum]
• Recognize the importance of communication in the field of criminal justice. Write a 350-
to 700-word paper describing the following:
ï The communication process model
ï Differences between the four major communication styles
ï Benefits of using particular communication styles
ï The importance of the communication process in law enforcement
The importance of communication in the field of criminal justice involves understanding the dynamics of sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages. The communication process model shows the most important components of communication on how it’s send and received. The differences between the four communication styles are that no one single style will always be the right approach in any case. Law enforcement must have the ability to understand what is right and what is wrong. The benefits of using a particular communication style are that people have different personalities. What works for one person may not work for another. In the criminal justice field law enforcement must understand both oral and physical communication. The importance of the communication process in law enforcement is understanding any situation that may arise.
What you have is undoubtedly correct, but is very general. What you need to add are the specifics, details to explain each of your points. I'll separate your main points as I see them. You need to add explanation and examples (details) for each one.
The importance of communication in the field of criminal justice involves understanding the dynamics of sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages.
details needed
The communication process model shows the most important components of communication on how it’s<~~what is "it"? send<~~verb tense? and received.
details needed
The differences between the four communication styles are that no one single style will always be the right approach in any case.
details needed
The benefits of using a particular communication style are that people have different personalities. What works for one person may not work for another.
details needed
In the criminal justice field law enforcement must understand both oral and physical communication.<~~no written communication involved?
details needed
The importance of the communication process in law enforcement is understanding any situation that may arise. Law enforcement must have the ability to understand what is right and what is wrong. <~~these two sentences seem redundant; combine or delete one or the other
The importance of communication in the field of criminal justice involves understanding the dynamics of sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages.
details needed
The communication process model shows the most important components of communication on how it’s<~~what is "it"? send<~~verb tense? and received.
details needed
The differences between the four communication styles are that no one single style will always be the right approach in any case.
details needed
The benefits of using a particular communication style are that people have different personalities. What works for one person may not work for another.
details needed
In the criminal justice field law enforcement must understand both oral and physical communication.<~~no written communication involved?
details needed
The importance of the communication process in law enforcement is understanding any situation that may arise. Law enforcement must have the ability to understand what is right and what is wrong. <~~these two sentences seem redundant; combine or delete one or the other
using the different communication styles depending on the situation. aggressive style is used for criminal apprehension, traffic enforcement and violent conflict mediation to gain respect and attention and to impose authority. assertive is necessary if dealing with disturbed victims and people in vulnerable situations. therefore, communication styles are not habit or behavior but a disposition base on situation
welll i think