the hundred thousands digit of a six-digit even number is 3 more than the thousands digit,which is twice the ones digit.give at least four nuumbers that satisfy the given condition

3 answers

let's start plugging in numbers as we figure them out:

the last digit is even, so we have

xxxxx0 xxxxx2 ... xxxxx8

the 1000's is twice the ones', so we can't have the last digit more than 4:

xx0xx0 xx4xx2 xx8xx4

the 100,000 is the 1000's+3, so we are left with

3x0xx0 7x4xx2

Now you can fill in the x's with any other digits you like
give a example of the hundred thousand digit of a six-digit even numbers is 3 more than the thousand digit,which is twice the ones digit.give at least four numbers that satisfy the given condition.