the historical period

in the following questions, you will learn about the U.S.-Mexican War (1846-1849), sometimes called the Mexican-American War. You will learn about what caused the war, how it was fought, and what happened after the war was over.

The following timeline s hows the U.S.-Mexican War and some other historical events that took place in the 1800s. The timeline also shows the historical period of each event. Historians use historical periods to group events from the past together. As a result, historians can find similarities between events that happened around the same time. Look at the timeline. Then answer the question below.

a timeline ranging from 1800-1900 is show. On 1812-1815, the war of 1812 is fought between the united states and great Britain. On 1803, the united states purchases Louisiana from France. on 1846-1848, the U.S..-Mexican war is fought between the united states and Mexico. On 1836, Texas declares its independence from Mexico and becomes an independent country. On 1861, the u.s civil war begins. On 1865, the u.s. civil war ends.

according to the timeline, during which historical period did the u.s.-Mexican war occur?

1. the early republic period
2. the antebellum period
3. the civil war period

25 answers

According to the timeline, the U.S.-Mexican War occurred during the antebellum period. This period refers to the time in U.S. history before the Civil War, which began in 1861. Therefore, the correct answer is:

  1. the antebellum period
what was the manifest destiny?

at the time of the u.s.-Mexican war, many Americans believed in an idea called manifest destiny.

manifest destiny was the belief that god wanted Americans to spread out across the north American continent. Many people who believed in manifest destiny strongly supported adding more territory to the united states

although many Americans supported the ideas of manifest destiny, other Americans opposed these ideas

sort the following viewpoints by whether they were more likely held by a supporter of manifest destiny or an opponent of manifest destiny.

the united states should not go to war just to gain more land

the united states should buy all of Oregon from Great Britain

slavery is wrong. i think people who want to add more land to the u.s just want to spread slavery

the republic of Texas should join the united states as a new state

the united states should take California and new Mexico from mexico

Here’s how the viewpoints can be sorted based on whether they were more likely held by a supporter or an opponent of manifest destiny:

Supporter of Manifest Destiny:

  1. The United States should buy all of Oregon from Great Britain.
  2. The Republic of Texas should join the United States as a new state.
  3. The United States should take California and New Mexico from Mexico.

Opponent of Manifest Destiny:

  1. The United States should not go to war just to gain more land.
  2. Slavery is wrong. I think people who want to add more land to the U.S. just want to spread slavery.
annexation of Texas

shortly after James k Polk was elected, the democratic party achieved one of the goals of its platform. The united states annexed, or added, the independent republic of Texas. Texas became the 28th state

the annexation of Texas by the united states was a major cause of the u.s.-Mexican war. read the description of each event in the history between Mexico and Texas. then place the events in order

American settlers in Texas rebel against Mexico and create an independent country called Texas

Mexico refuses to recognize the independence of Texas. meanwhile, independent Texas asks the united states to annex it

immediately after Mexico gains independence in 1821, the Mexican government invites Americans to settle in its territory of Texas

even though Mexico warns the united states that annexation would be considered an act of war, the united states annexes Texas anyway.

Here is the correct order of the events in the history between Mexico and Texas:

  1. Immediately after Mexico gains independence in 1821, the Mexican government invites Americans to settle in its territory of Texas.
  2. American settlers in Texas rebel against Mexico and create an independent country called Texas.
  3. Mexico refuses to recognize the independence of Texas. Meanwhile, independent Texas asks the United States to annex it.
  4. Even though Mexico warns the United States that annexation would be considered an act of war, the United States annexes Texas anyway.
disputed territoy

after the u.s annexed texas, the united states and mexico disagreed about the new boundaries. both countries claimed a large area of land on the texas-mexico border. this area was called the disputed territory. the dispute over this territory led directly to the beginning ot the u.s-mexican war

president polk took several actions to address the boundary dispute. some of these actions suggest that polk tried to start a war with mexicao, while others suggest that he wanted to avoid a war.

decide whether each of the following actions show that p resident polk tried to start or wanted to avoid war with Mexico.

president polk sends a group of amercian exploeres to the mexican territory of california to start a violent rebellion against the mexican government

president polk sends an army into the disputed territory, knowing the army would be attacjed by a mexican army.

president polk sends a negotiateor to mexico city to peacefully address the border dispute. the negotiater also tried to purchase the mexican territories of california and new mexico.

Here’s how each of President Polk's actions can be categorized based on whether they show he was trying to start a war with Mexico or wanted to avoid it:

Actions showing that President Polk tried to start a war with Mexico:

  1. President Polk sends a group of American explorers to the Mexican territory of California to start a violent rebellion against the Mexican government.
  2. President Polk sends an army into the disputed territory, knowing the army would be attacked by a Mexican army.

Actions showing that President Polk wanted to avoid war with Mexico:

  1. President Polk sends a negotiator to Mexico City to peacefully address the border dispute. The negotiator also tried to purchase the Mexican territories of California and New Mexico.
president polks claims

on may 11, president polk gave a speech to congress. read the following portion of that speech. then answer the question below

"But now, after reiterated menaces, mexico has passed the boundary of the united states, has invaded our territory, and shed american blood upon the american soil [by attacking the united states] she has proclaimed that . . . the two nations are now at war

reiterated menaces: repeated threates
she: mexico

president polk wanted congress to declare war on mexico in response to the attack. What claims did polk make to support his arguement? select the two answers that apply

1. mexico will try to end the practice of slavery in texas
2. mexico invaded territory belonging to the united states
3. mexico has threatened to take back florida from the united states.
4. mexicos attack means that mexico has already declared war

To support his argument for Congress to declare war on Mexico, President Polk made the following claims:

  1. Mexico invaded territory belonging to the United States.
  2. Mexico's attack means that Mexico has already declared war.
opposition to the war

even though many americans were eager to fight in mexico, other americans were opposed to the war. Some of these opponents were abolitionists, or people who wanted to end slavery. they worried that slavery would spread to territory acquirted during the war. in fact, abolitionists belived that supporters of slavery intentionally started the war in order to spread slavery!

some abolitionists wrote about their belieft that slavery caused the war. for example, the following text comes from a letter written about the war by william lloyd garrison, a famous abolitionist. read the text, then select the part of the text that states his argument about why the war begain

We [the abolitionists] are in good spirits. . . though the opposition is still formidable.

it is certainly not a popular war, it was begun and is carried on against the deep moral [beliefs] of the [sane part of the population]. [the wars] real object [is] the extension and preservation of slavery, no intelligent man honestly doubts.

formidable: strong
object: goal

select the part of william lloyd garrisons letter that states his argument about why the war begin.

1. "We [the abolitionists] are in good spirits. . . though the opposition is still formidable."
2."it is certainly not a popular war, it was begun and is carried on against the deep moral [beliefs] of the [sane part of the population]"
3.[the wars] real object [is] the extension and preservation of slavery, no intelligent man honestly doubts.

The part of William Lloyd Garrison's letter that states his argument about why the war began is:

  1. "[the war's] real object [is] the extension and preservation of slavery, no intelligent man honestly doubts."
use the map to answer the question:

a map of the mexican cession 1848 is shown

the area in red (mexican cession 1848) on the map shows land that was lost by mexico and gained by the u.s as a result of the war

which of the following is the best summary of the information shown by this map?

1. the entire western half of the u.s would probably not be part of out country if not for the mexican-american war.

2. the u.s gained a significant amount of territory as a result of the war, including all of modern-day califronia, nevada, and utah, as well most of arizona and parts of wyoming, colorado, and new mexico.

3. the u.s gained some land in the west as a result of the war.

4. neither side claimed a clear victory as a result of this conflict

The best summary of the information shown by the map of the Mexican Cession in 1848 is:

  1. The U.S. gained a significant amount of territory as a result of the war, including all of modern-day California, Nevada, and Utah, as well as most of Arizona and parts of Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico.
alright last question

imagine that you are a historian writing a summary of the u.s-mexican war. Using what you have learned, complete the text below.

During the 1840s, many americans supported manifest destiny, or the belieft that god wanted the united states to spread across all of north america. in 1844, james k polk was elected u.s. president, and he shared the belief that the united states should expand. A boundary dispute between mexico and _____ led to the u.s-mexican war. after the war, the united states added a large piece of land called the _____ debates over _____ in this territory helped lead to the civil war.

louisiana purchase
mexican cession

choose which words go into the empty boxes

Here is the completed text using the appropriate words:

During the 1840s, many Americans supported manifest destiny, or the belief that God wanted the United States to spread across all of North America. In 1844, James K. Polk was elected U.S. president, and he shared the belief that the United States should expand. A boundary dispute between Mexico and Texas led to the U.S.-Mexican War. After the war, the United States added a large piece of land called the Mexican Cession. Debates over slavery in this territory helped lead to the Civil War.

you learned about the historical context for the mexican-american war, and how americans at the time disagreed on whether or not the country was justified in going to war with mexico

imagine that you have been given this prompt for an essay:

"evaluate the arguments for and against the mexican-american war was justified"

which two statements below would work best as a thesis statement for your essay?

1. the united states had valis reasons for going to war against mexico in 1846

2. the mexican-american war (1846-1848) was a conflict between the united states and mexico that resulted in the u.s acquisition or large parts of what is now the american southwest. evaluating the arguments for and against the war provides a nuanced understanding of its justifications and criticisms

3. the mexican-american war was not justifited

4. some people would say the mexican-american war was justifited, but others would disagree

The two statements that work best as thesis statements for your essay are:

  1. The Mexican-American War (1846-1848) was a conflict between the United States and Mexico that resulted in the U.S. acquisition of large parts of what is now the American Southwest. Evaluating the arguments for and against the war provides a nuanced understanding of its justifications and criticisms.

  2. Some people would say the Mexican-American War was justified, but others would disagree.

These statements effectively introduce the topic while acknowledging the complexity of opinions surrounding the war, setting the stage for a balanced evaluation of the arguments for and against its justification.

polk stated out by trying to buy the land. he sent an american diplomat, john slidell, to mexico city to offer $30 million for it. but the mexican government refused to even meet with slidell. polk grew frustrated. determined to acquire the land, he sent american troops to texas in january ot 1846 to provoke the mexicans into war

when the mexicans fired on american troops in april 25, 1846, polk... declaredm "[mexico]" has invaded our territory and shed american blood upon american soil," and sent the order for war to congress on may 11.

the act was a questionable one. many northerners believed that polk, a southerner, was trying to gain land for the slaveholding south. other americans simply thought it was wrong to use war to take land from mexico

... ulysses s grant... would later call the war "one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. it was an instance of a republic following the bad example of european monarchies, in not considering justice in their desire to acquire additional territory."

categorize each quote from the passage in the chart below

decide whether each quote more effectively supports the idea that the war was justified, of that the war was not justified.


not justified

"polk started out by trying to buy the land. he sent an american diplomat, john slidell, to mexico city to offer $30 million for it. but the mexican government refused to even meet with slidell"

"uylsess s grant would later call the war "one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. it was an instance of a republic following the bad example of european monarchies, in not considering justice in their desire to acquire additional territory"

"the act was a questionable one. many northerners believed that polk, a southerner, was trying to gain land for the slaveholding south. other americans simply thought it was wrong to use war to take land from mexico

"polk declared, [mexico] has invaded our territory and shed american blood upon american soil, and sent the order for war to congress on may 11"

Here’s how each quote can be categorized based on whether it supports the idea that the war was justified or not justified:


  • "Polk declared, [Mexico] has invaded our territory and shed American blood upon American soil, and sent the order for war to Congress on May 11."

Not Justified:

  • "Polk started out by trying to buy the land. He sent an American diplomat, John Slidell, to Mexico City to offer $30 million for it. But the Mexican government refused to even meet with Slidell."
  • "Ulysses S. Grant would later call the war 'one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. It was an instance of a republic following the bad example of European monarchies, in not considering justice in their desire to acquire additional territory.'"
  • "The act was a questionable one. Many Northerners believed that Polk, a Southerner, was trying to gain land for the slaveholding South. Other Americans simply thought it was wrong to use war to take land from Mexico."
understanding arguments for and against the war

star has continued gathering evidence from primary and secondary sources to support each side of the argument. help her evaluate the claim made by each quote

match each piece of text evidence to the claim it supports about why the united states was justified in going to war with mexico in 1846

Yes: Mexico must be thoroughly chastised [punished]! Let our arms now be carried with a spirit which shall teach the world that…America knows how to crush, as well as how to expand!” (Walt Whitman, 1846)

“Polk and others saw the acquisition of Texas, California, Oregon, and other territories as part of the nation’s Manifest Destiny to spread democracy over the continent” (NCC Staff, 2023).

“Mexico has passed the boundary of the United States, has invaded our territory and shed American blood upon the American soil. [Mexico] has proclaimed that hostilities have commenced, and that the two nations are now at war” (President James K. Polk, 1846).

“Polk started out by trying to buy the land. He sent an American diplomat, John Slidell, to Mexico City to offer $30 million for it. But the Mexican government refused to even meet with Slidell” (, n.d.).

the u.s government tried to use diplomacy to resolve the problem, but mexico would not cooperate

the united states wanted to teach mexico a lesson and show the whole world that the u.s could not be bullied

mexico invaded the united states and killed its citizens. mexico started the war.

the president believed that god wanted the united states and its ideals to expand to more places

match each piece of evidence to the claim it makes about why the united states was not justified in going to war with mexico in 1846

“...I more than suspect already, that [Polk] is deeply conscious of being in the wrong; that he feels the blood of this war, like the blood of Abel, is crying to Heaven against him…” (Abraham Lincoln, 1848).

“[Polk] picked a fight, sending troops to occupy a disputed area of the Texas and Mexico border, and when American troops and the Mexican cavalry clashed, Polk seized the opportunity to declare war on Mexico…” (History, 2017).

“It is certainly not a popular war…its real object, the extension and preservation of slavery, no intelligent man honestly doubts…” (William Lloyd Garisson, 1847).

“…Ulysses S. Grant…would later call the war ‘one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. It was an instance of a republic following the bad example of European monarchies, in not considering justice in their desire to acquire additional territory’” (, n.d.).


the american people did not want this war. clearly, the war was started as an excuse to spread slavery

the president must have known that he did a terrible thing. he should feel deep guilt and shame over this war

the united states picked on a weaker country to try to grab more land, doing the same things to mexico that european countries once tried to do to u.s

the president was trying to start a fight with mexico, and purposely set mexico up to take the blame for starting to war

Here’s the matching of each piece of text evidence to the claim it supports about why the United States was justified in going to war with Mexico in 1846:

Claims Supporting Justification for the War:

  1. “Yes: Mexico must be thoroughly chastised [punished]! Let our arms now be carried with a spirit which shall teach the world that…America knows how to crush, as well as how to expand!” (Walt Whitman, 1846)

    • Evidence: The United States wanted to teach Mexico a lesson and show the whole world that the U.S. could not be bullied.
  2. “Polk and others saw the acquisition of Texas, California, Oregon, and other territories as part of the nation’s Manifest Destiny to spread democracy over the continent” (NCC Staff, 2023).

    • Evidence: The president believed that God wanted the United States and its ideals to expand to more places.
  3. “Mexico has passed the boundary of the United States, has invaded our territory and shed American blood upon the American soil. [Mexico] has proclaimed that hostilities have commenced, and that the two nations are now at war” (President James K. Polk, 1846).

    • Evidence: Mexico invaded the United States and killed its citizens. Mexico started the war.
  4. “Polk started out by trying to buy the land. He sent an American diplomat, John Slidell, to Mexico City to offer $30 million for it. But the Mexican government refused to even meet with Slidell” (, n.d.).

    • Evidence: The U.S. government tried to use diplomacy to resolve the problem, but Mexico would not cooperate.

Claims Against Justification for the War:

  1. “...I more than suspect already, that [Polk] is deeply conscious of being in the wrong; that he feels the blood of this war, like the blood of Abel, is crying to Heaven against him…” (Abraham Lincoln, 1848).

    • Evidence: The president must have known that he did a terrible thing. He should feel deep guilt and shame over this war.
  2. “[Polk] picked a fight, sending troops to occupy a disputed area of the Texas and Mexico border, and when American troops and the Mexican cavalry clashed, Polk seized the opportunity to declare war on Mexico…” (History, 2017).

    • Evidence: The president was trying to start a fight with Mexico, and purposely set Mexico up to take the blame for starting the war.
  3. “It is certainly not a popular war…its real object, the extension and preservation of slavery, no intelligent man honestly doubts…” (William Lloyd Garrison, 1847).

    • Evidence: The American people did not want this war. Clearly, the war was started as an excuse to spread slavery.
  4. “…Ulysses S. Grant…would later call the war ‘one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. It was an instance of a republic following the bad example of European monarchies, in not considering justice in their desire to acquire additional territory’” (, n.d.).

    • Evidence: The United States picked on a weaker country to try to grab more land, doing the same things to Mexico that European countries once tried to do to the U.S.
*pretend you are writing a paragraph to argue that the united states was justified in going to war with mexico in 1846*

*here is your paragraph so far*
Among Americans of the time period, the Mexican-American War was a controversial topic. Some felt that the war was necessary to show that the United States could defend itself against other countries. President Polk argued in favor of the war by telling Congress in 1846 that, “Mexico has passed the boundary of the United States, has invaded our territory and shed American blood upon the American soil. [Mexico] has proclaimed that hostilities have commenced, and that the two nations are now at war.” The idea of another nation invading American territory and attacking its citizens made many eager to strike back. The popular poet Walt Whitman reflected this feeling when wrote in a 1846 newspaper column, “Yes: Mexico must be thoroughly chastised [punished]! Let our arms now be carried with a spirit which shall teach the world that…America knows how to crush, as well as how to expand!”

*you are just missing a final sentence for this paragraph*

choose a final sentence to end this paragraph.

the sentence you choose should be:
1. relevent to the ideas in the rest of the paragraph
2. clear and easy to understand
3. factually correct
4. written with quality spelling and grammar for an 8th grader

1. most americans were against the war, believing that the u.s was too powerful already and didnt need any more land, but they reluctantly accepted it as a way to end canadian dominance

2.alot of americans thot the war was probly a good idea becuz they wanting to defind the contry and feel importent

3.the concept of patriotism, closely intertwined with the duty of defending the nation, resonated profoundly with a substantial portion of the population. this sentiment, deeply rooted in a sense of national pride, rendered the war not only justifiable but also acceptable and even appealing to many of its supporters

4. many americans supported the war to expand the united states' territory, and more importantly, to show the countrys pride and strength

The best final sentence to end your paragraph is:

  1. Many Americans supported the war to expand the United States' territory, and more importantly, to show the country's pride and strength.

This sentence is relevant to the ideas in the rest of the paragraph, is clear and easy to understand, factually correct, and written with quality spelling and grammar appropriate for an 8th grader.

*pretend you are writing a paragraph to argue that the united states was not justified in going to war with mexico in 1846*

*here is your paragraph draft so far*
One reason that the Mexican-American War was not justified is that it contributed to the spread of slavery. Many Americans at the time thought that spreading slavery was the purpose of the war. Abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison commented that, “It is certainly not a popular war…its real object, the extension and preservation of slavery, no intelligent man honestly doubts…” (1847). At a time when national tensions were growing over the question of slavery, expanding the number of slave states and territories was certain to cause trouble.

which of the following would be the most logical addition to this paragraph?

1. information about how many americans at the time opposed the war and how many supported it
2. a quote from president polk, stating that the real reason for the war was to defend american sovereignty
3. a quote fron ulysses s grant, giving his opinion that the war was an unjust attempt to get more land
4. information showing how much slavery spread as a result of territory gained during the war

The most logical addition to your paragraph arguing that the United States was not justified in going to war with Mexico in 1846 would be:

  1. A quote from Ulysses S. Grant, giving his opinion that the war was an unjust attempt to get more land.

This addition would support your argument by providing another prominent perspective against the war, reinforcing the idea that it was not justified and aligning with the concerns about the war's connection to the expansion of slavery.