The Hierarchy of the Human Body Ladder

In this unit, you learned all about the anatomy and physiology of the human body. You also learned about the hierarchy of the structures within the human body, from atoms all the way up to the whole organism, and how this hierarchy can be compared to rungs on a ladder.

To further your understanding of this hierarchy, you will be creating a visual representation of it using the ladder idea discussed in the unit.

You may choose to create this graphic representation digitally, using a word processing or drawing-type program, or you may choose to create this visual representation by hand on a poster board or large sheet of paper.

Regardless of what medium you choose to express your visual hierarchy, you will need to extend your understanding of what each rung on the ladder represents by doing some online research.

For each rung on the ladder, you will need to include the following:

A brief explanation or definition of what the rung represents
Two additional facts that relate to what the rung represents
An image that helps to explain what the rung represents
Any specific terms that relate to this rung and their definitions
Make sure that you also create and submit a list of websites that you used for research along with your visual representation of the hierarchy of the human body. If you choose to complete this assignment using a hand-drawn poster, take plenty of clear and concise photographs of your creation to submit for grading.

See the example below to get a better idea of how you might complete this assignment. Refer to the rubric below for information on how you will be graded.

Example hierarchy of the human body ladder with heading "atoms" at the bottom

1 answer

At the bottom of the ladder is "atoms"

Explanation: Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter, composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Additional Facts:
1. Atoms combine to form molecules, which are the building blocks of cells.
2. Each element is made up of a unique type of atom with a specific number of protons.

Image: An illustration of a single atom showing the nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons.

Specific terms:
- Protons: Positively charged particles found in the nucleus of an atom.
- Neutrons: Neutral particles found in the nucleus of an atom.
- Electrons: Negatively charged particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom.

(List of websites used for research)