The HCF of two number is 145 and their LCM is 2175. If one number is 725, find the other number.

4 answers

HCF means highest (or greatest) common factor.

Numbers that have a multiple of 2175 are 725, 1450, and 2175, and these factors of 725: 5, 25, 29, 145, 435 and 725. The "other number" must be 145 or a multiple of 145.
If it were 435, 435/145 = 3
If it were 725, 725/145 = 5
Both have 145 as a factor.
If the "other number" must be different from 725, it must be 435. It cannot be 145 because 435 is a greater factor.
According to the formula
HCF× LCM=1st no. ×2nd no.

Let the no. Be n
So, 145×2175=725× n
=> 315375=725×n
As the no. Changes its side , it also changes its sign,minus to plus, plus tu minus,× to ÷ , ÷ to ×
=> 435=n or the second no.
315375 divide by 725
Answer 435