I. A - Half of the factory workers went on strike, and not enough smartphones were produced for normal shipments.
Explanation: In part A of the graph, the number of smartphones shipped gradually decreases and then remains low for a period of time before eventually increasing again. This corresponds to the scenario described where half of the factory workers went on strike, leading to a reduction in production and fewer smartphones being shipped to the retail store.
II. B - The production schedule was normal, and smartphones were shipped to the retail store at a constant rate.
Explanation: In part B of the graph, the number of smartphones shipped remains relatively constant throughout the duration of the 50 days. This corresponds to the scenario described where the production schedule was normal, and smartphones were shipped to the retail store at a constant rate.
III. C - A defective electronic chip was found, and the factory had to shut down, so no smartphones were shipped.
Explanation: In part C of the graph, there is a sudden drop to zero in the number of smartphones shipped, which remains constant for the remaining days. This corresponds to the scenario described where a defective electronic chip was found, causing the factory to shut down and no smartphones being shipped.
The graph below represents the total number of smartphones that are shipped to a retail store over the course of 50 days.
Match each part of the graph (A,B,C) to its verbal description. Explain your reasoning behind your choice.
I. Half of the factory workers went on strike, and not enough smartphones were produced for normal shipments.
II. The production schedule was normal, and smartphones were shipped to the retail store at a constant rate.
III. A defective electronic chip was found, and the factory had to shut down, so no smartphones were shipped.
1 answer