The French Revolution

Research Proposal
Who were the key figures and leaders of the French Revolution? Use APA citation to include a summary of the answer. Use any website, but preferably Britannica

1 answer

Title: Key Figures and Leaders of the French Revolution


The French Revolution (1789-1799) was a period of radical social and political upheaval in France that significantly impacted the course of modern European history. This research proposal aims to identify and evaluate the key figures and leaders of the French Revolution, with a focus on their actions, beliefs, and contributions to this transformative period.

I. Introduction

A. The French Revolution is considered one of the most crucial periods in modern history due to the significant changes in France's political, social, and cultural structures.

B. The Revolution saw the abolishment of the monarchy, emergence of radical political factions, and wars that would reshape the European landscape.

C. Essential research questions to be addressed:

1. Who were the key figures and leaders of the French Revolution?

2. What was their role in the revolution, and how did they impact its course?

3. How have their contributions been evaluated by historians over time?

II. Key Figures and Leaders

A. Maximilien Robespierre

1. Role in the revolution

2. His contributions and impact

B. Georges Danton

1. Role in the revolution

2. His contributions and impact

C. Jean-Paul Marat

1. Role in the revolution

2. His contributions and impact

D. Louis XVI

1. Role in the revolution

2. His contributions and impact

E. Marie Antoinette

1. Role in the revolution

2. Her contributions and impact

F. Napoleon Bonaparte

1. Role in the revolution

2. His contributions and impact

G. Other significant figures

III. Conclusion

A. Summary of the roles of the key figures and leaders

B. Overview of their contributions to the French Revolution

C. Implications of their actions for subsequent European history


Encyclopædia Britannica. (2020). French Revolution: Significance, Causes, & Summary. Encyclopædia Britannica.

Hunt, L. (2018). The French Revolution: Key Figures. Encyclopædia Britannica.