The freezing point of a salt and water mixture is -0.58 C. The freezing point of an unknown ionic solution (0.100 m) is -1.04 C.
1. Determine the freezing point depression for the ionic solution.
2. How do you determine the van't Hoff factor for the ionic solution?
Please help me. I think I got the first part, with -0.58-(-1.04) = 0.46 C. That's the freezing point depression, right? Though I'm not sure what the water and salt solution relates to it. How do I find the van't hoff factor? I know the formula to use is T=i*Kf*m
T would be 0.46, m would be .100, but what would Kf be? I know the Kf value for water as a solvent is 1.86, but water wasn't used as a solvent here... So I'm not sure how to proceed
1 answer
I don't get it. I can't figure out exactly what the question is (yes, I know they want i). What is the connection between the two statements? Are these two problems? What does "a salt solution" mean? Is that NaCl or some other salt. Is it the same salt as in the unknown solution. How do you know the unknown ionic solution is not in water. If not water what is the solvent. My personal feeling is that it is water.