The free-body diagram in the drawing shows the forces that act on a thin rod. The three forces are drawn to scale and lie in the plane of the screen. Are these forces sufficient to keep the rod in equilibrium, or are additional forces necessary

f1 ------>---rod-------
'f2 (pointing down)

same question found here

For Further Reading

Physic - Panda, Monday, May 7, 2007 at 12:38pm
ignore diagram. It didn't come out well. Please use the link below to get diagram

Physic - Panda, Monday, May 7, 2007 at 12:44pm
I say , more forces need because for a body to be in equilibrium, forces acting on it must be equal and opposit in direction

Physic - bobpursley, Monday, May 7, 2007 at 2:35pm
Take the top force, break it into two components, one horizontal, and one vertical. Now read your reasoning in your answer in light of that.

So the incline force can be divided into a vertical and horizontal force, which makes the forces sufficient. Right? Please help.

The diagram in
is such that a torque due to F3 will exist on the rod about a point where F2 is applied. This torque cannot be balanced with any of the three forces.

Now I am really confused. So you are saying that additional forces are necessary. Right? This what I thought but bob's answer wasn't conclusive. Please be more straight forward 'cos u know I have put in some effort. Conflicting answers don't help