the four steps an organization should take to change its personality profile. What should the organization consider before developing such a plan?

1 answer

Choose your change initiatives carefully and thoughtfully. Even the most change-oriented people have limits on their ability to adapt. When inundated with change messages, there is a risk that people will begin to view each new change initiative as the latest fad likely to be soon replaced by a different fad. In these circumstances many people, especially the most resistant to change, will ignore a new initiative hoping that it will eventually go away or be replaced by something they like better. How do you decide which change initiatives to champion? Consider the following:

Remember that the change must have both real value and perceived value to the people affected. As you evaluate your change initiatives, ask yourself what real, tangible value will be created. Then ask yourself how others will perceive the value you see. Will the value be obvious to them or will it be difficult to convince them?
Link change to broader business goals. Make sure you have a clear business strategy and that the proposed initiative is well aligned with this strategy. If you cannot clearly align an initiative with critical aspects of business strategy, it may not merit consideration.
Efforts to change consume precious business resources (time, money and energy). Is the expected result worth the cost? If there several possible initiatives, which is likely to produce the most valuable result for the least cost?
Lay the Groundwork