the formula C=5/9(F-32) is used to convert Fahrenheit temperature,F, to Celsius temperature,C. What temperature in Fahrenheit is equivalent to a temperature of 100 Celsius.

I know that in Fahrenheit its 212 degrees, but i used it by using guess and check. i need help with how to use the formula.

7 answers

To use the formula, plug in 100 for C and solve the resulting equation for F.

100 = (5/9)(F-32)
Multiply both sides by 9/5, and you get
180 = F - 32
Now add 32 to both sides.
Thank you
Its good now I can solve the problems.
The formula C = (F - 32) is used to convert the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (F) 9
to the temperature in degrees Celsius (C).
Enter the temperature in degrees Celsius (C) equal to 113 degrees Fahrenheit (F).
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i just farted it smelled so good that i pooped and ate it. Yum Yum!
Using the formula Celsius = 5/9 (degrees Fahrenheit – 32), Convert 180 degrees F to Celsius