II.Qc = 43.310 –15.298Pc –9.86Pb + 39.8Pf + 1.87Y + 0.5PcPb
bAre induvidual partial slope coefficients are statistically significant??
Answer: aYes, the individual partial slope coefficients are statistically significant. bYes, the individual partial slope coefficients are statistically significant.
The following two models were estimated to analyze the demand for chicken around
Mzumbe university campus.
I.Qc = 43.310 –15.298Pc –9.86Pb + 39.8Pf + 1.87Y.
Where Qc = quantity of chicken demanded in 2012.
Pc=price ofchicken.
Pb = price of beef.
Pf = price of fish.
aAre induvidual partial slope coefficients are statistically significant??
1 answer