The following two models were estimated to analyze the demand for chicken around

Mzumbe university campus.
I.Qc = 43.310 –15.298Pc –9.86Pb + 39.8Pf + 1.87Y.
Where Qc = quantity of chicken demanded in 2012.
Pc=price ofchicken.
Pb = price of beef.
Pf = price of fish.
aAre induvidual partial slope coefficients are statistically significant??

1 answer

II.Qc = 43.310 –15.298Pc –9.86Pb + 39.8Pf + 1.87Y + 0.5PcPb

bAre induvidual partial slope coefficients are statistically significant??

Answer: aYes, the individual partial slope coefficients are statistically significant. bYes, the individual partial slope coefficients are statistically significant.