The following table shows what each student in the room was eating while Joy was

studying. Complete this table to show which types of organic compounds would be in each
lunch and which types of organic compounds were found in the combined liquid + dry
evidence. Use a positive sign (+) to show if the substance tested positive for the specific test
and a negative sign (-) if the substance tested negative for the test.
Lunch he or she was eating Starch Protein Glucose Lipid
Fat-Free Yogurt
Bean burrito with cheese
Toast with butter and jelly
Combined liquid + dry evidence
The following is the list of what the workers ate for lunch during the theft:
Peter Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Katniss Fat-free yogurt
Gabriel Bean burrito with cheese
Kiara Pretzels

1 answer

Lunch he or she was eating Starch Protein Glucose Lipid
Fat-Free Yogurt - + - -
Bean burrito with cheese + + - -
Toast with butter and jelly + - + +
Pretzel + - - -
Combined liquid + dry evidence - + + -