Add them all and divide by 15 to find the mean.
Put them in ascending order.
The middle one is the median.
Usually median is more representative because one or a couple of very high or very low scores can distort the whole picture if the mean is used. In this case the 135 would tend to drag the mean down and that score might not be representative of the class as a whole. Perhaps that student missed some classes.
the following scores were recorded on a 200 point final examanation;193,185,163,186,192,135,158,174,188,172,168,183,195,165,183.
(A) FIND THE MEAN FINAL examination score
(b) find the median final examination score
(c) is the mean or median a more useful represenative of the final examanation scores. write a brief paragragh justifying your response.
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