The following recursive function will print the nth power of 2.

def powerOf2(n):
if n == 0:
return 1
return (2 * powerOf2(n - 1))

1 answer

This recursive function calculates the nth power of 2 by using the formula 2^n. It takes in a single parameter, n, which represents the exponent.

The function starts with a base case that checks if n is equal to 0. If n is 0, then the function returns 1 as any number raised to the power of 0 is always 1.

If n is not 0, then the function recursively calls itself with n - 1 as the argument. This means that the function will calculate the (n-1)th power of 2 and multiply it by 2 to get the nth power of 2.

The function keeps recursively calling itself with decreasing values of n until it reaches the base case (n = 0). The function then starts returning the calculated values back in reverse order until it ultimately returns the final result for the original value of n.